Ultrasonic Distance Measuring ping Sensor HC-SR04


HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measuring Module for PICAXE Microcontroller Arduino UNO


The module performance is stable, measure the distance accurately:
Can and SRF05, SRF02 ultrasonic distance measuring module and other comparable. Module precision, blind spots (2cm) super close, stable ranging success of this product to market under the strong!
Voltage: DC5V
Static current: less than 2mA
Level output: high-5V
Level output: the end of 0V
Sensor angle: not more than 15 degrees
Detection distance: 2cm-450cm
High precision: up to 0.3cm
Connection: VCC, trig (control side), echo (receiving end), GND
10US a control population of more than a high-fat, you can wait to receive high output port. A timer can be opened with the output timing, when the port goes low when the timer value can be read this when the time for this distance, only calculate the distance. This constant cycle of measurement, you can reach the value of the mobile measurement ~ ~
Module works:
The IO trigger location, the high signal to at least 10us;
The module automatically sends eight 40khz square wave, automatically detects whether a signal return;
Asignal back, through the IO of a high output, high duration is
Ultrasonic time from launch to return. Test distance = (time * High speed of sound (340M / S)) /
This module provides a full set of ranging process: C51, PIC18F877, ultrasonic LCD1602 display, ultrasonic LCD12864 display, LED display, serial display, ranging reference program.