CC2500 / 2.4G module low-power module with antenna


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  • Operating voltage: 1.8 V ~ 3.6 V, 
  • 2400-2483.5 MHz band ISM and SRD of free licenses to use 
  • High-sensitivity receiver
  •  Built-in hardware CRC error detection and address control multipoint communication
  • Programmable output power control, maximum output power 0dBm, the output power of -10dBm rate can range from 1.2 kbps minimum data to 500kbps.
  •   fast frequency synthesizers bring changes 
  •  modules can be software set address, software programming is very convenient
  • DIP Standard interfaces for embedded applications
  • separate RX 64-byte FIFO and TX data
  • Some external components, high reliability
  • visual communication module at a distance of 50-100 meters straight
  • Module size 30mm * 22mm (excluding SMA interface size and external antenna), standard 4.5 CM short antenna, optional high gain antenna

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