Specification of BGC 3.1
Brushless Gimbal Controller 3.1
mini USB connector (no FTDI needed)
stabilized VBUS (USB port)
optimized pin layout GND, A1 and A2 GND, multi-port, 5 V
L6234 brushless motor driver
2 outputs for brushless motors
4 receiver input
6 analog inputs
serial port available
power LED (blue)
small LEDs on USB
Dimensions 50mm x 50mm
Standard MK style mounting holes 45mm x 45mm
2 instead of 4 glass diodes SOT23
5V better stabilized
Shifter lever on the I2C Bus (3.3 V to 5 V)
reduced traction (for better edges)
MPU6050 3 Sensor
chip module : MPU-6050
Power supply: 3-5V
Gyroscope range: + 250 500 1000 2000 / s
Acceleration range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16g
Communication: Standard IIC communication agreement
Integrated chip 16-bit AD converter, 16-bit data output
Pin Pitch: 2.54mm
Size: 20.3mm x 16.5mm
Package List:
1 * Brushless Cardan Controller 3.1
1 * MPU6050 Sensor
1 * Cable</span
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